Our Community Board is a resource for those in Origins Community to promote opportunities that they lead or are actively involved in. If you’re new to the community and are looking for a way to connect with Origins’ folks, the events and opportunities below are a great place to start. Submit an Event
We’re changing the design of our next several meetings to focus on the development of our members. Over the next several months, we will have the opportunity to learn and grow in the six regenerative principles guiding the work of nRhythm. nRhythm exists to help organizations unleash their potential. As the Director of Origins Community, I’ve been looking for ways to facilitate what we belief this season (2019-2021: Our Sapling is Growing Branches) has in store for us.
In our upcoming meeting this Monday, April 20, we will kick-off meetings designed to further the development of our members. If you have any interest in exploring what it means to live a regenerative life and be part of or lead a regenerative organization, you don’t miss these opportunities. The first meeting will focus on the regenerative principle of uniqueness. In this meeting, you will have the opportunity to begin the work of recognizing your own unique genius and consider how it contributes and interacts with your environment.
Yes, we will still start the meeting with a couple business items. This month, we will cover our first quarter financials. But, that part will go quick and the remainder of the entire meeting will focus on development.
All that said, we’d love for you to join us. We’re excited to learn as Elders and we’re excited to share the opportunity with you as members of Origins.
The meeting starts at 7pm MT April, 20 and will wrap up by 8p MT. To join in the fun, simply select use this link at that time: https://zoom.us/j/7043638386.
We hope to see you then.