Our Community Board is a resource for those in Origins Community to promote opportunities that they lead or are actively involved in. If you’re new to the community and are looking for a way to connect with Origins’ folks, the events and opportunities below are a great place to start. Submit an Event

Weekly House Church Gathering

For the last several years we've hosted weekly spiritual gatherings with friends and family. Most weeks we enjoy a meal, spiritual conversation, have a time of prayer and take time to teach our kids about God. Our time together is pretty unstructured and flexible - the most important thing to us is that we take […]

Men’s Breakfast

La Peep 2525 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder, CO, United States

We are a small group of men who enjoy the continued support that a weekly breakfast discussion about life can bring. You're welcome to join us if you'd like to check it out.

Prayer Night

Cormier House 4443 Wellington Road, Boulder, United States

Gather together with people to pray: for our local community, our world, healing, specific situations, or anything on your heart. We keep it simple and focused. Start praying at 7 and end with communion at 8pm. Children are welcome and usually join us for the first 20 minutes. Socializing is minimized out of respect for […]


Denver Metro Area House Church Gathering

For the last several years we've hosted weekly spiritual gatherings with friends and family. Most weeks we enjoy a meal, spiritual conversation, have a time of prayer and take time to teach our kids about God. Our time together is pretty unstructured and flexible. The most important thing to us is that we take the […]

Gathering for Karey Fishburn – Missionary to Mongolia

Cormier House 4443 Wellington Road, Boulder, United States

Our house church will be hosting a party for Karey Fishburn. She has been a missionary in Mongolia for the past year. She will share about her time there and other things she has learned along the way. She will have her photographs for sale as a way to raise money for her return. Please […]


Easter Sunrise Service and Breakfast

Cates' house 1540 Chambers Drvie, Boulder, United States

For the 16th year, the Cates are hosting an Easter sunrise service and breakfast. Please feel free to bring anyone interested in joining. We may be a little crowded but the more the merrier! We will begin at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder at 6:30am. The sun will begin to peak […]

Growing in the Holy Spirit: understanding prophecy, healing, prayer and how they can turn our city right-side up.

Cormier House 4443 Wellington Road, Boulder, United States

Donna Faulkner, an Apostolic evangelist,will join us to lead us into greater understanding of the power of the Holy Spirit. God has called Donna to impart into the body of Christ the importance of walking in the power of the Holy Spirit, as well as walking in the gifts of the Spirit, so that we […]


Biweekly House Church Gathering

We host a gathering every other Sunday afternoon at our house. Anyone is welcome to join us for this casual gathering. We study the word together and have enthusiastic discussions about life, faith, and walking the walk. Please call or email us for location or more information. Details may adjust seasonally, so please let us […]

Weekly House Church Gathering

For the last several years we've hosted weekly spiritual gatherings with friends and family. Most weeks we enjoy a meal, spiritual conversation, have a time of prayer and take time […]

Backyard Music and Fun

TRI Vintage & Wares 707 S Public Rd., Lafayette, CO, United States

  Come join us for some backyard music and fun at TRI Vintage & Wares on Thursday, June 18. TRI Vintage & Wares is opening up the yard behind their store so we can all enjoy some open air music from Aaron Strumpel, and share some food and laughs. Light snacks will be provided, but please […]