Where I was
In 2000, I joined a men’s breakfast led by a local pastor. In attending the group, I became close friends with one of the men. Through our friendship I came to the place where I believed I could confide in him and trust him to pray for me as I was preparing to spend a season of time oversees. As a man, I face tremendous temptation when I travel alone and I was preparing to travel to Africa to lead some nationals build a church.
What I saw
My friend’s understanding and willingness to commit to praying for me meant a lot in my life and proved very powerful. I realized how valuable it is to have friends who will pray with you and stand with you – not just for your physical needs, but your spiritual needs as well. We often don’t share about our needs to others and when we do it’s usually just sharing about those things that are already obvious to others. But how often do we tell the truth and trust others with those things that truly weigh on our hearts?
What I wanted to do
After returning from Africa, my friend and I continued to meet and continued to open the breakfast up to others. We wanted to invite others in who were looking for the same sort of support – a group of men who could be honest about their faith, their life, their relationships, their needs and be willing to prayer for one another and look out for one another.
Where I am now
Today, we are a small group of men who enjoy the continued support that a weekly breakfast discussion about life can bring to our otherwise routine lives. Just to be able to share with trusted friends about our deepest life concerns has proven invaluable.
Our men’s group is listed on the community board if you are looking for an opportunity like this.
I would encourage anyone to find or start a group like this with their friends. Small support groups like these can provide quiet, but powerful change in communities.