Are you interested, exploring or engaged?
Find out now through this self-assessment.
First, think of the people you interact with the most, care about the most and the people you connect with at least once a month – this is your community.
Now, respond to the following questions using a five-point scale, where five is the highest, most positive option and one is the lowest, least positive option.
in·ter·est·ed (ˈin-t(ə-)rəs-təd)
wanting to learn more about something
You want to really know the people you connect with on a regular basis or are interested in broadening your community by inviting new people into your life.
ex·plor·ing (ik-ˈsplȯr-iŋ)
transitive verb:
to become familiar with by testing or experimenting
You know the people in your community, want to become more familiar with their needs, and look for ways to positively affect your community’s culture.
en·gaged (en-ˈgājd)
involved in activity
You know the people in your community and are involved in activity that addresses your community’s needs or moves its culture forward in a positive way.
As someone who is interested, we want your sense of community to grow as you learn more about the people in your life. We’d like to talk with you about the season of faith you are in, but in the meantime, here are some ways you can participate as an interested person:
- Make a list of all the people in your life that you can’t go a week without seeing (family, co-workers, friends, neighbors, etc.) and all of the people you don’t want to go a month without talking to (distant family, friends, mentors, etc.). Can you list the top goals, hopes, fears and passions for each person? Do you know the top challenge facing them this week?
Determine to be more interested in your people. Know them. Enjoy them. Be fascinated by them. Let them surprise you. Be their biggest fan. - Start or join a group discussion about what it looks like to be interested in those around you. You can submit or look for these opportunities on the Community Board.
- Connect with someone from Origins. We’d like to talk with you about the season you are in and learn more about your community. Start the conversation now.
As someone who is exploring, we want your understanding of the needs in your community to grow as you develop meaningful relationships with those around you. We’d like to talk with you about the season of faith you are in, but in the meantime, here are some ways you can participate as an exploring person:
- Make a list of the top needs facing the people you regularly have contact with. Do you see any trends? Are there ways to bring people with similar needs together to develop a solution or support each other?
You can make a difference, but how will you? - Dedicate time each week to practice your faith by serving people in your community, take time to listen and pray with friends and family about the needs in their lives or invite people to meet and talk with you about spiritually.
- Connect with someone from Origins. We’d like to talk with you about the season you are in and learn more about your community. Start the conversation now.
As someone who is engaged, we want to raise awareness of what you are doing and inspire others with your story. We’d like to learn more about how your are engaged in your community, but in the meantime, here are some ways you can participate as an engaged person:
- Share your story. By sharing a story of how you have engaged your community, you might inspire others. You can submit your story using the form on the Your Stories page.
- Make an effort to connect with people who are exploring ways to engage their community. How can your experience inform their situation?
- Connect with someone from Origins. We’d like to talk with you about the season you are in and learn more about your community. Start the conversation now.