Let Every Word Count
“The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit.” – Prov. 15:4
Countless words spill out of our mouths each day – some with more intent than others. Take a minute and try to take a verbal inventory. Think of all of the categories of words that you produce each day: there are words given in passing, greeting and leaving; there are words of wisdom, instruction and compassion; there are words of jesting, gossip and slander. The categories seem endless and the volume of words may make it seem like an accounting of words is a useless exercise, but if we never account for them we may forgot to make them count.
As we think about our words, ultimately two dominate categories emerge: good ones and bad ones. Good words bring life to others and bad words crush their spirit.
Because words are such a common part of our days we may be tempted to think that they are more of a passive part of our life – the sort of things that are happening to us. But words are an active part of life. We produce them and are responsible for them and should use them with intent because careless words are just as powerful as calculated ones.
The words that come out of your mouth can change someone’s day, and perhaps the trajectory of their life, for the better or for the worse. This is a responsibility we shouldn’t take lightly – especially as Jesus’ followers.
This week, endeavor to make your words count – delivering their intended life giving purposes.
No doubt, practicing this rhythm may seem overwhelming. Accounting for every word, saying nothing accept what you intend to say is a daunting task. But every habit begins by consistently and purposefully changing small behaviors.
So, try this simple exercise to help create a habit of making every word count:
Pick one conversation you know is coming and prepare your mind to only speak using intended words of life during that conversation.