The Image of God
You were created to represent God

People aren’t problems that need to be solved. They aren’t projects that need to be completed or advanced. They aren’t tools available for our use. They aren’t resources to be leveraged for our advancement. People were created to represent God.
One of the prevailing themes throughout both the Old and New Testament is God’s design and purpose for human beings – we were created to be physical representations of the invisible God. God created humans in his image, throughout the Old Testament God continued to guide and mold Israel into a nation that would represent him. Jesus came as the very image of God in human form and through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are being renewed in the image of our creator. Scripture further illustrates the Church as the body of Christ and the family of God – the idea being that we are the physical extensions and representatives of God.
Given all of this, isn’t it funny that we often look past people to experience God. By God’s own design, and his redeeming work in your life, you can be the presence of God to others and enjoy his presence in others.

This week, acknowledge and embrace at least one personal encounter for what it is – an opportunity to both be an extension and recipient of God’s presence.
- Before a meeting with someone this week, pray that God would help you be aware of any opportunity to be a representation of his love, grace and mercy in that meeting.
- The next unexpected encounter you have with someone, ask yourself what God is trying to teaching you or show you through that person.
- Remember, the next time you are talking with a difficult person, that you are not just there to represent your thoughts and feelings. You were designed to express something far greater.