Denver Metro Area House Church Gathering
For the last several years we've hosted weekly spiritual gatherings with friends and family. Most weeks we enjoy a meal, spiritual conversation, have a time of prayer and take time […]
Our Community Board is a resource for those in Origins Community to promote opportunities that they lead or are actively involved in. If you’re new to the community and are looking for a way to connect with Origins’ folks, the events and opportunities below are a great place to start. Submit an Event
For the last several years we've hosted weekly spiritual gatherings with friends and family. Most weeks we enjoy a meal, spiritual conversation, have a time of prayer and take time […]
For the last several years we've hosted weekly spiritual gatherings with friends and family. Most weeks we enjoy a meal, spiritual conversation, have a time of prayer and take time […]
For the last several years we've hosted weekly spiritual gatherings with friends and family. Most weeks we enjoy a meal, spiritual conversation, have a time of prayer and take time […]
For the last several years we've hosted weekly spiritual gatherings with friends and family. Most weeks we enjoy a meal, spiritual conversation, have a time of prayer and take time to teach our kids about God. Our time together is pretty unstructured and flexible. The most important thing to us is that we take the […]
For the last several years we've hosted weekly spiritual gatherings with friends and family. Most weeks we enjoy a meal, spiritual conversation, have a time of prayer and take time to teach our kids about God. Our time together is pretty unstructured and flexible. The most important thing to us is that we take the […]
Throughout the month of January, we will be hosting Community Calls that correspond to our core 52-Week Rhythms that remind us that our faith should drive us to be interested in the people right in front of us, inspired to explore others’ needs, and engage in serving our communities. In this week's call, we will […]
For the last several years we've hosted weekly spiritual gatherings with friends and family. Most weeks we enjoy a meal, spiritual conversation, have a time of prayer and take time to teach our kids about God. Our time together is pretty unstructured and flexible. The most important thing to us is that we take the […]
Throughout the month of January, we will be hosting Community Calls that correspond to our core 52-Week Rhythms that remind us that our faith should drive us to be interested in the people right in front of us, inspired to explore others’ needs, and engage in serving our communities. In this week's call, we will […]
For the last several years we've hosted weekly spiritual gatherings with friends and family. Most weeks we enjoy a meal, spiritual conversation, have a time of prayer and take time to teach our kids about God. Our time together is pretty unstructured and flexible. The most important thing to us is that we take the […]
Throughout the month of January, we will be hosting Community Calls that correspond to our core 52-Week Rhythms that remind us that our faith should drive us to be interested in the people right in front of us, inspired to explore others’ needs, and engage in serving our communities. In this week's call, we will […]